Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to common questions here ... Can't find the answer, contact us via live chat or e-mail, we will be happy to help.
How soon will I receive my certificate?
Immediately - Once you have successfully completed the quiz and course evaluation you will be able to view and print your certificate.
How soon will my completion be reported to CE Broker?
Within 24 hours. Completion results are transmitted to CE Broker by MedCEC within 24 hours of course completion. Your MedCEC™ transcript will also be updated within 24 hours.
Why is my course completion not showing on CE Broker?
Check to make sure that your course, quiz & evaluation survey are 100% complete and MAKE SURE TO CLICK "GET YOUR CERTIFICATE" WHEN YOU COMPLETE A COURSE which places your completion in queue to be transmitted to CE Broker for states which utilize the CE Broker tracking system. After courses are transmitted to CE Broker by our system there may occasionally be a slight delay in course completions showing up in your CE Broker account. This is not common but does happen.
My course / package expired before I could complete it?
Individual courses allow 15 days to complete the course. Course Packs allow access for 30 days. Need more time. No problem. Just email us and we will be happy to extend the course our Course Pack to allow you to complete it.
What happens if I don't pass the quiz the first time?
No problem, all quizzes allow unlimited attempts, simply take the quiz again.
Can I stop part way through a course and resume it later?
Yes, you can exit a course and resume at the point which you left off (You may not resume a course if your access to that course has expired) - See below "How long do I have to complete a course?"
How long do I have to complete a course?
For individual course purchases you will have 15 days to complete the course (If you need more time send us an email and we will extend your access to allow you time to complete the course) | CoursePack holders will have 30 days access to the courses contained within their CoursePack (again, if you require more time send us an email and we will extend your time to complete the courses | Courses Your Way™ Members have until the expiry date of their membership to complete their courses (as Courses Your Way™ members have access for one year, extensions are typically not granted however if you have extenuating circumstances please let us know and we will be happy to consider an extension
How can I obtain a refund?
Please send us an e-mail ([email protected]) within 30 days of purchase. If you are not completely satisfied, for any reason, we will refund the purchase price of any course or course package. Please note, we cannot issue you a refund if we have already submitted more than one completed course contained within a plan to CE Broker.
I don't have a license number. What do I put in that space when I set up my MedCEC™ account?
No worries, if you are applying for a license, or do not currently have a license number for other reasons simply put "N/A" or "Applied For" when registering your account with MedCEC™. You can print the PDF certificate and submit it to your board with your application.
Are all MedCEC courses approved for all professions?
Many courses are specific for particular licensees. Each Board has specific requirements for continuing education. MedCEC is approved as a provider for many Boards. Home pages for each profession list a summary of requirements and you can also view specific board CE requirements on their individual websites . You can view the extensive list of MedCEC™ approvals by clicking on "Accreditation" at the bottom of the screen.
Can I obtain another copy of my certificate?
Yes, MedCEC stores your certificates and transcripts. Simply login, click on "My Dashboard", select the course you have completed, and reprint your certificate. You can also click the drop down by your name in the top right hand corner of the screen, choose "My Account" and select "Certificates". You can view your MedCEC transcript by clicking on "View Transcript" at the bottom of the page. Prior to January, 2020 certificates were not stored to the dashboard however they may be viewed and reprinted as part of your transcript.
I have more than one license number, profession, or licenses in more than one state. How do I include more than one license number, profession or state when I set up my MedCEC™ account?
Simply include each license number, profession or state when registering your account with MedCEC™. Separate each license number with a vertical bar or pipe symbol ("|") on your keyboard with a single space before and after the vertical bar. For example, license numbers RN0001 and RT0002 would be entered as RN0001 | RT0002. If the two license numbers are for different professions, list both professions under your profession. For example, professions related to each license number would be entered as Registered Nurse | Respiratory Therapist or RN | RT. For different states, list both states. For example Florida | Arizona or FL | AZ.
What time zone is used for completion dates?
The MedCEC™ learning platform operates on the Universal Time Clock (UTC) to accommodate licencees in many different time zones. Course completions and certificates are initially generated in universal time and converted to the time zone of the licensee by our system. For example, there is a 4 hour difference between Eastern Standard Time (EST) and the UTC during daylight saving time and a 5 hour difference during standard time. A time of 8:01 pm Monday EST during daylight saving time (4-hour difference) is 12:01 am Tuesday on the UTC. A course completed at 8:01 pm Monday EST will initially show a completion day of Tuesday (UTC) however it is converted by our system to the time zone of the state which the licensee reports when they register with MedCEC to take courses. In this example a course completed by a licensee, who reported a EST zone state when they set up their MedCEC account, would be recorded and reported as being completed at 8:01 pm Monday EST with the certificate converted by our system to reflect the EST date.
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